BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Earthquake statistics

Averaged annual earthquake frequency versus magnitudeAveraged annual earthquake frequency versus magnitude Source: BGR

Whenever reports appear in the media about serious earthquakes causing loss of life and major damage, the question arises of whether the number of heavy quakes is increasing. The pyramid diagram shown here highlights the relationship between annual earthquake frequencies and magnitude.

The figure shows that earthquakes are common, and that heavy quakes with a magnitude of 6 and more are not infrequent on average. As long as the epicentres of these heavy earthquakes are situated in areas of low population density, places with earthquake-proof buildings, or at sea for instance, they remain without serious consequences, and are largely ignored by the media.

The frequencies of earthquakes around the world with a magnitude mb=5.0 and higher since 1964 are shown in the graph below. A complete compilation of the annual number of earthquakes can normally first be given 18 months after the end of a year.

Earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 and higherNumber of earthquakes per annum with a magnitude of 5.0 and higher recorded since 1964 Source: BGR

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